Thursday, 14 September 2017

Shivanand Swami Forex Wandler

Easy-forex kündigt seinen winning Trader an, der für 1 Million Shivanand versuchen wird Swarmi gewinnt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an einer tretenden Herausforderung für die 1 Million Limassol, Zypern teilzunehmen (PRWEB) 30. August 2013 easy-forex. Einer der Pioniere im globalen Einzelhandel Forex, hat den Gewinner des 1 Million Handelswettbewerbs angekündigt. Gestartet im März. Der 29-jährige Shivanand Swami aus Marathi in Indien, der derzeit das Geschäft des Network-Marketings studiert, war mit einer deutlichen Marge der Top-Trader. Neben dem Gewinn einer Luxusreise für zwei nach Australien, wird Shivanand am Finale Heimspiel der Nationalen Rugby-Ligen Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs in Sydney, 31. August teilnehmen. Während der Halbzeit, vor dem heimischen Publikum im ANZ Stadium, wird er die Chance haben, für 1 Million zu treten. Easy-forex ist stolz darauf, ein offizieller Sponsor der Bulldogs zu sein. Im sehr, sehr aufgeregt, sagte Shivanand, wenn ich das Geld Ich möchte ein Institut öffnen, um andere Menschen auf Devisenhandel zu erziehen. Ich tausche, wenn ich Freizeit habe. Wenn Im nicht handelnd, gehe ich zu meinem Onkel-kleinen Geschäft und versuche, jedermann zu erziehen, das über Handel CMO von easy-forex hören will, das Hillik Nissani sagte, waren alle für Shivanand erfreut und werden bereit sein, ihn für 1 Million zu treten. Seine Idee, wenn er gewinnt, ein Institut zu eröffnen, um mehr und mehr Händler zu erziehen ist wirklich spannend und easy-forex kann nicht denken, eine bessere Nutzung für das Geld. Der Wettbewerb erhielt eine große Resonanz von Händlern auf der ganzen Welt, ihre Phantasie zu erfassen. Es war eine großartige Möglichkeit, unsere stolze Sponsorschaft der Bulldogs hervorzuheben und den Händlern einen Vorgeschmack auf den Nervenkitzel des weltweiten Handels zu geben. Der 1 Million Konkurrenz war nur der erste von diesem Jahre spannenden Wettbewerb für Händler bald werden wir bekannt geben unsere nächste große Konkurrenz zu starten nächsten Monat. Beitritt Shivanand in Australien ist der Zweitplatzierte, Liu Bin aus China, der eine Luxusreise für zwei und 5000 in Trading-Credits gewinnt. Der Wettbewerb, einer der aufregendsten jemals in der Branche gesehen, gab neuen Händlern die gleiche Chance, als Profis zu gewinnen. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: Niki Nikolaou Global Communications Manager nikieasy-forex Tel: 357 25 828 899 ext 154 Connect with us Anmerkungen für Redakteure easy-forex174 ist eine Online-Handelsgruppe, die 2003 gegründet wurde und den Devisenhandel in über 160 Ländern revolutioniert hat Seitdem. Mit einem einfachen Forex-Konto können Händler Währungen, Rohstoffe, Optionen und Indizes mit ihren Web-, Desktop - oder mobilen Plattformen handeln. Easy-forex ist in Europa und Australien reguliert und verpflichtet sich zur Transparenz und Sicherheit der Kunden. Risikohinweis: Forex, Rohstoffe, Optionen und CFDs (OTC Trading) sind hebelfinanzierte Produkte, die ein erhebliches Verlustrisiko bis zu Ihrem eingesetzten Kapital aufweisen und möglicherweise nicht für jedermann geeignet sind. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Risiken vollständig verstehen und nicht Geld investieren, das Sie sich nicht leisten können. Die bereitgestellten Informationen können unter keinen Umständen als Empfehlung für den Handel angesehen werden. Swami Vishnudevananda Gründer der internationalen Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentren, Swami Vishnudevananda, war eine Weltbehörde auf Hatha und Raja Yoga. Swamiji wurde auch bekannt als das Fliegende Swami für die verschiedenen Friedensmissionen, die er um die Welt vollendete. Vor der Entdeckung des Yoga Swamiji wurde 1927 in Kerala, Südindien, geboren. Als junges Kind war einer seiner Hauptmerkmale ein starker Wille und Entschlossenheit. Seine Mutter, jetzt bekannt als Mataji, der später Sannyas (Gelübde des Verzichts) von Swami Sivananda nahm. Sagte, dass, wenn ihr Sohn etwas wollte, nichts oder niemand konnte ihn aufhalten. Eine interessante Anekdote erzählt, wie er als 5-jähriger Junge den starken Wunsch hatte, zur Schule zu gehen und zu lernen. Als er sagte, dass es nicht möglich war, da die nächste Schule mehr als 5 Meilen entfernt war, nahm das Kind auf sich packen und gehen früh am nächsten Morgen für die lange 5 Meile zu Fuß durch den Dschungel. Er ging zurück an diesem Abend und würde das gleiche tun, für viele Jahre zu kommen. Als Teenager ohne finanzielle Mittel für die Universität, wandte er sich dem Beitritt zur Armee, um die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung erhalten, für die er sich sehnte. Während dieser Zeit, als er nach einem verlorenen Papier in einem Abfallkorb suchte, fielen seine Augen auf ein Papier mit dem Titel 20 Spirituelle Anweisungen von Swami Sivananda. Die Broschüre begann: Eine Unze der Praxis ist besser als Tonnen der Theorie. Die praktische und inhärente Kraft dieser einfachen Worte führen Swamiji, um durch Indien während eines 36-stündigen Urlaubs zu reisen, um Swami Sivananda im weit entfernten Rishsikesh im Himalaya zu treffen. Dieser kurze Besuch hinterließ einen solchen Eindruck auf die jungen Jungs, dass er beschlossen, so schnell wie möglich zurückzukehren. Meeting The Master Bei seinem zweiten Besuch erhielt der junge Schüler 2 mächtige Lektionen von Swami Sivananda. Die erste Lektion kam, als Swami Vishnudevananda sich zu schüchtern und ein wenig arrogant fühlte, um sich dem Guru Swami Sivananda zu beugen. So erschrak der Meister Swami Sivananda vollkommen vor dem jungen Studenten, der die Lehre der Demut demonstrierte. Die zweite Lektion kam während Arati (Gottesdienst-Zeremonie) zu Ganga (Ganges Fluss). Swamiji war verwirrt und zweifelhaft, als er dachte, warum intelligente Leute anbeten würden, was wissenschaftlich nur H2O ist. Der Meister lächelte dann subtil und blickte Swamij an, der den Fluß sofort als ein riesiges, helles, kosmisches Licht erblickte. Swami Sivananda lud dann den Jungen ein, am Ashram zu bleiben, um zu studieren und Yogi zu werden. Swami Vishnudevananda spontan antwortete Ja. Die Ausbildung Für 10 Jahre Swami Vishnudevananda setzte sich auf dem Sivananda Ashram und wurde in allen Aspekten des Yoga von Swami Sivananda ausgebildet. Swami Vishnudevananda wurde schnell zu einem außergewöhnlichen Adepten auf dem Weg des Hatha-Yoga und war ein sehr scharfes und unermüdliches Karma Yogi. Eines Tages gab Swami Sivananda Swamiji eine 10-Rupien-Note (weniger als einen Dollar) und seinen Segen, nach Westen zu reisen und die Lehren von Vedanta zu verbreiten. Die Menschen warten, waren die Worte des Meisters. Swamiji Als Weltlehrer Swamijis grenzenlose Energie und tiefe Inspiration führten ihn zu den internationalen Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentren zu gründen und zu leiten. Es gibt jetzt 20 Yoga-Zentren und 9 Ashrams und viele angeschlossene Zentren. Swami schuf den ersten Yogalehrer-Trainingskurs, der bis heute über 26.000 zertifizierte Lehrer im Bereich Yoga und Spiritualität ausgebildet hat. Einer seiner brillanten Berührungen war es, diese alten und ausgedehnten Lehren in fünf Prinzipien des Yoga zusammenzufassen, die leicht verständlich und bequem in die tägliche Praxis integriert werden können. Der fliegende Swami-Verstärker Die Friedensmissionen Während seines ganzen Lebens war Swamiji tief besorgt über das Wohlergehen der Welt und die ständige Katastrophe von Kriegen. Dies führte ihn zu lernen, zu fliegen und dann persönlich Pilot ein kleines Flugzeug über mehrere beunruhigte Gebiete der Welt. Nicht nur er schuf Diskussion und Bewusstsein in den Nachrichtenmedien, sondern er bombardierte auch diese kriegszerrissenen Gebiete mit Blumen und Friedensschriften, während er den Frieden Mantra Om Namo Narayanaya wiederholte. Ich habe euch alles gegeben, was ich habe mit meinem ganzen Herzen und meiner Liebe. Es ist für Sie, anderen zu geben. Manchmal weiß ich nicht, alle Antworten, und ich weiß, dass ich einen langen Weg zu gehen. Wenn Sie nichts bekommen, das ist wegen meiner niedrigeren emotionalen Natur. Wenn es etwas Gutes gab, kam es von meinem großen Meister Sivananda. Ich sage nicht, dass Im eine unemotional Person. Ich schimpfte und sprach endlos. Ich handelte wie ein Diktator. Wenn ich wie mein Meister oder wie Jesus wäre, könnte ich die Füße meiner Jünger waschen. Aber dafür muss man sehr hoch sein. Es kann nur getan werden, wenn das Ego weg ist. Wenn ich es tun würde, wäre es Heuchelei. Im nicht so hoch. Einmal habe ich mich vor einigen Jahren vor einem Mann niedergeworfen, zu dem ich unhöflich und ungeduldig gewesen war. Als ich es tat, dachte ich, wie bescheiden ich bin. So suchen Sie nicht nach einem einfachen Weg, um Ihr Ego zu überwinden. Seit Jahren habe ich versucht. Ich beobachte mich, wie sich mein Ego manifestiert. Ich analysiere. Aber es klammert sich wie ein Blutegel. Wenn wir uns nicht beherrschen können, sollten wir es dem Herrn anbieten: Oh Herr, ich biete es dir an Und jetzt, wenn ich auf irgendeine Weise Ihre Gefühle verletze, bitte ich Sie von ganzem Herzen, mir zu verzeihen. Anfang Der südlichste Bundesstaat Indiens, Kerala, ist berühmt dafür, die Heimat vieler großer Heiligen und Yogis zu sein. Sri Sankaracharya, Gründer des Ordens von Sannyasa, war ein Sohn von Kerala. Diese Geschichte ist von einem anderen. Kanimangalam ist ein kleines Dorf von Nemmara im Palghat Bezirk. Dort wohnt die wohlhabende und edle Familie Nair im Haus von Valiya Pichankurichi. Devaki Amma gehörte zu dieser Familie, wo matrilineal Abstieg vorherrschte. Als junges Mädchen hatte Devaki eine große Sehnsucht zu studieren. Sie durfte vier Jahre lang zur Girls School gehen. Nach dieser Zeit bestand ihre Mutter darauf, dass sie die Schule verlassen, sagen, dass es gefährlich für eine Frau, eine Ausbildung zu haben. So begann Devaki Amma ihr Studium der heiligen Schriften und die Praxis, Japa zusammen mit ihren regelmäßigen täglichen Aufgaben zu tun. Sie fährt fort, diese beiden bis zum heutigen Tag zu tun. Devaki Amma war mit Chatthu Panicker, der ebenfalls ein hingebungsvoller Anhänger war, des höheren Lebensideals verheiratet. K. Narayan Kutty, sein Nachbar in Palghat, schreibt: Sri Chatthu Panicker war ein erstklassiger Landwirt. Landwirtschaft war sein Familienberuf. Ich hatte das Glück, sein Nachbar zu sein. In der Regel bei Sonnenuntergang, er verwendet, um das Ramayana zu lesen. Schon jetzt fließt mein musikalischer Nektar in meinen Ohren. Am 31. Dezember 1927 wurde dieses Paar mit einem Sohn, ihrem zweiten Kind, gesegnet. So wie das Jahr im Ruhestand war, wurde dieses Kind geboren, das sich selbst vom weltlichen Leben zurückziehen würde. Er würde einen spirituellen Weg der Entsagung und des selbstlosen Dienstes folgen. Nach indischer Gewohnheit, zog ein Astrologe sofort ein Horoskop für das Kind. Unter den Vorhersagen waren: Das Kind sollte bis zu 80 Jahre leben. Er wird sehr glücklich sein. Er hat Fahrzeuge wie Elefanten, Pferde, etc. Er wird gern Reisen sein. Er wird auf den Meeren und am Himmel reisen. Er wird von vielen Menschen im Ausland gemocht werden. Das Kind wird berühmt sein und wird immer daran interessiert, in Gods Will. Im Alter von sechs Monaten wurde das Kind zum ersten Mal benannt und mit Reis (feste Nahrung) versorgt. Diese Zeremonie fand am berühmten Tempel des Herrn Subramanya bei Palini statt. Dieses schöne Kind von schwarzem, lockigem Haar, goldgelber Haut und schönen Gliedern erhielt den Namen Thankaswamy. Thanka bedeutet Gold und Swamy, Meister. Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Zeremonie trat ein seltsamer Vorfall auf. Devaki Amma trug den kleinen Jungen den Hügel hinauf zum Tempel. Es gab noch eine Frau, die mit dem Baby in den Armen den Hügel hinaufging. Doch als diese Frau ging, schien das Kind schwerer und schwerer zu werden. Bald wurde es ihr unmöglich, ihn zu tragen. Ihr Mann versuchte auch, das Kind zu tragen, aber er wurde bald zu schwer für sogar den Mann zu tragen. Die Frau sagte Devaki Amma, dass sie glaubte, dass dies ein Zeichen dafür sei, dass ihr Kind nicht zum Tempel zur Namensgebung gebracht werden sollte, da er kurz sterben würde. Sie flehte Devaki an, sie solle Thankaswamy mitnehmen. Sobald sie ihn in ihre Arme nahm, begann die Frau in einer Art Gott-Rausch zu tanzen. Sie lief ekstatisch den Hügel hinauf, der ziemlich steil war, zum Tempel. Als Devaki Amma ankam, gab die Frau Thankaswamy zu ihr zurück, und diese Gottvergiftung blieb stehen. Die Frau fiel erschöpft zu Boden. Wieder belebt, kehrte sie den Hügel hinunter zu ihrem Mann und ihrem Kind. Ihr Baby starb kurz danach. Als Thankaswamy vier Jahre alt war, wurde ein Lehrer bestellt, um ihn zu Hause zu tutorieren. Kurz darauf wurde er von seinem Onkel zur Schule gebracht. Am nächsten Tag bestand er darauf, dass er wieder zur Schule gehen wollte. Allerdings war es drei Meilen entfernt auf der anderen Seite eines Kanals. Seine Mutter weigerte sich zu sagen: Mein Sohn, du bist nicht groß genug geworden, um so weit zu gehen. Wenn Sie älter werden, schicken Sie Ihnen zu dieser Schule. Sie versuchte, seine Hand zu nehmen und ihn ins Haus zu führen, aber das Kind lief davon. Er ging zur Schule allein, um zu beweisen, dass er fähig war. Von diesem Tag an und vier Jahre später, studierte Thankaswamy an seiner Onkel Talur Schule. Thankaswamy liebte es, Bäume zu klettern und zu sitzen oder auf den Zweigen zu liegen. In Teichen und Flüssen pflegte er zu schwimmen, zu springen, zu tauchen und in verschiedene Spielarten einzutauchen. Wenn er etwas wollte, war Thankaswamy stur. Gewöhnlich war Erfolg sein, was auch immer oder wen auch immer seine Gegner oder Hindernisse waren. Sobald er seine Hände auf eine Mango gelegt hatte, konnte ihn niemand befreien. Er konnte nicht bedroht werden Furcht fehlte. Was auch immer getan werden musste, wäre bald fertig. Wenn Sturheit in weltlichen Dingen zu geistigen Zielen veränderte, war es die Ursache für große Fortschritte. Nachbarn bemerkten, dass Thankaswamy freundlich zu allen Wesen war. Er gönnte sich nicht in grausame Spiele wie das Werfen von Felsen bei Hunden. Er würde ein Wesen niemals wütend verletzen. Swamiji erzählt, wie er in die Schule gegangen sei, um die Reisfelder zu überschwemmen. Viele Frösche und Schlangen lebten im Wasser. Frösche sind natürlich die natürliche Ernährung von Schlangen. Eines Tages sah der Junge eine Schlange mit einem Frosch in seinem Mund. Er nahm einen Stock und ließ die Schlange fallen, da er die Frösche nicht ertragen konnte. Doch nachdem der Frosch hüpfte, fühlte er Mitgefühl für die Schlange, die jetzt das Gefühl der Schmerzen des Hungers. Er sagte zu der Schlange, ich weiß, dass du nur tust, was deine Natur dich dazu gebracht hat zu tun, und dass du Frösche essen musst, um zu leben. Aber, bitte, Mr. Snake, nur nicht essen, wenn Im herum. Im Jahr 1943 Swamiji (damals bekannt als Swamy Kuttan Nair) absolvierte Nemmara High School. Er war ein guter Gelehrter mit genialer Technik. Der Geist der Untersuchung, der Ernst der Analyse und der Experimentierfreude waren immer bei ihm. Diese Eigenschaften tragen dazu bei, ihn für den Weg des Yoga zu qualifizieren. Er war niemals müßig und würde immer in einem Experiment oder einem anderen engagiert sein. 1944 arbeitete er als Lehrer für eine Weile, aber es war ein großer Durst, um mehr von der Welt zu sehen. Aber wie konnte ein 16-jähriger Junge gehen, dies zu tun Swamy Kuttan schrieb an einen Cousin in Bangalore (etwa 500 Meilen entfernt) fragen, ob er kommen und bleiben könnte. Ja, kam die Antwort, ich werde glücklich sein, dass Sie leben in meinem Haus und erhalten Sie einen guten Job. Das einzige Hindernis war, seine Eltern zu überzeugen, aber dies wurde schließlich überwunden. Als er Coimbatore erreichte, beschloss er, seinen geheimen Plan durchzuführen - er würde der Marine beitreten. Dort konnte er die wissenschaftliche und elektrische Ausbildung bekommen, die er sehr viel wollte. Er ging zur Rekrutierungsstation und betete um sein Alter. Nach der erforderlichen ärztlichen Untersuchung wurde er wegen Untergewicht (93 Pfd.), Zu kurz und mit einem zu schnellen Herzschlag (das war wohl Nerven) abgelehnt. Gefühlslos ging er zum Bahnhof und kaufte sein Zugticket nach Bangalore. Als er auf den Zug wartete, näherte sich ein etwas älterer Junge einer Konversation. Der Junge versuchte Swamy Kuttan zu überzeugen, mit ihm nach Madras zu kommen und sich der Armee anzuschließen. Das war unmöglich, da er nicht das Geld hatte. Sie fuhren denselben Zug bis zum Jolerpat. Als Swamy Kuttan aus dem Zug stieg, packte der Junge seinen Arm und versprach, die Fahrt nach Madras zu bezahlen. Ich habe Familie dort geben sie uns Geld für Ihr Ticket. Als der Zug in Madras ankam, war der Junge nicht zu sehen. Der Bahnhofsmeister rief die Polizei, wie Swamy Kuttan seine Passage nicht bezahlt hatte. Er erzählte ihnen die Geschichte und wies sogar auf seine Freunde Gepäck. Die Polizei bat den jungen Reisenden, sein Gepäck wie das seines vermissten Freundes zu nehmen und zur Polizeistation zu kommen. Plötzlich lief der Junge auf und versuchte, sein Gepäck zu packen und wegzulaufen. Die Polizei fing ihn auf und brachte ihn zur Polizeistation. Dort wurde die Geschichte wieder erzählt. Die Polizei sagte, dass einer von ihnen gehen und das Geld für die Fahrkarte bekommen, während die anderen mit dem Gepäck. Als der junge Fremde die Landessprache sprach, war er der logische, aber er lehnte ab. Stattdessen hatte er eine lange Diskussion mit der Polizei in ihrer Muttersprache und schließlich schließlich gab ihnen seine Füllfederhalter. Die beiden Jungen waren frei und gingen zur Armee-Rekrutierungsstation. Die Agenten dort erhielt eine Provision für jede Person unterschrieben sie nicht darauf, dass Swamy Kuttan war minderjährig. Sie fragten, ob er dem Engineering Corps beitreten möchte, indem er ein rosiges Bild des Lebens in ihm malt. Das war sein Traum, so dass er bereitwillig zustimmte. Alle Prüfungen wurden leicht bestanden. Aber es war Mittagszeit die formale Anmeldung musste ein paar Stunden warten. Der junge Fremde lud Swamy Kuttan und die Rekrutierungsoffiziere zum Mittagessen in einem nahe gelegenen Restaurant ein. Nach dem Essen, drückte er den Wunsch zu rauchen. Er ging nach Zigaretten und kam nie wieder. Warum tauchte dieser Fremde auf, um Swamy Kuttans Leben auf diese Weise zu führen und dann zu verschwinden Im späteren Leben spiegelte Swami Vishnudevanandaji oft, dass es schien, als sei sein Leben vorherbestimmt gewesen, dem Alltäglichen nicht zu folgen. Dieser Junge war nur ein Instrument, um ihn zu einem Ort zu bringen, an dem der nächste Schritt möglich war. Zuerst hörte ich über Swami Sivananda auf seltsame Weise. Ich suchte in dem Papierkorb nach einem verlorenen Papier und fand eine kleine Broschüre namens Sadhana Tattwa. Seine Lehren waren so einfach und direkt, wie eine Unze der Praxis ist es wert, eine Tonne Theorie. Als ich das las, sah ich nichts Geheimnisvolles darin. Ich bekam ein paar Tage Urlaub von der Armee und ging zu ihm zu sehen. Es dauerte eine ganze Tag und Nacht mit dem Zug und ich hatte nur ein paar Minuten, um ihn zu sehen. Es waren 30 oder 40 Leute um ihn herum. Er sah aus wie ein gewöhnlicher Mann unter ihnen. Der Blick auf sein Gesicht und die Art und Weise der Rede waren einfach und direkt. Jedes Wort kam aus seinem Herzen. Es gab keine Art von religiöser Heuchelei, kein Sitzen auf einer Tigerfell mit Asche, die ganz über seinem Körper geschmiert wurde. Er hatte einen außergewöhnlichen geistigen Glanz. Als ich ihn das zweite Mal sah, hatte ich zwei Tage im Ashram. Es war meine erste Ashram-Erfahrung. Swami Sivananda kam die Treppe hinauf in meine Richtung. Ich wollte nicht, meinen Kopf zu ihm zu beugen. Ich war jung und arrogant und wollte nie meinen Kopf zu niemanden beugen - Swami, Gott verwirklichte Seele, oder wen auch immer, ich didnt care. Aber es ist die Tradition, dass Sie Ihren Kopf zu einem heiligen Mann beugen sollten. Um die Situation zu vermeiden, zog ich nur aus seinem Weg. Meister sah mich und ging in meine Richtung. Er fragte mich, wer ich war und wo ich herkam. Dann verbeugte er sich und berührte meine Füße. Mein ganzer Körper begann heftig zu schütteln. Mit meinem ganzen Herzen, mit meinem ganzen Leben und Liebe, lernte ich, ohne irgendeine Art von Reservierung zu verbeugen. Er berührte mein Herz nicht mit Wundern oder Heiligtümern, sondern mit seiner vollkommenen egoistischen Natur. Er dachte nicht, dass ich nur ein dummer Junge stand, obwohl ich nur das war. Er berührte mein Herz und brach diesen Egoismus in mir. Ich glaubte nichts anderes in dieser Welt hätte dieses Ego gebrochen. Das war meine erste Lektion, und wenn ich einen Millionstel des Standes der Eglosigkeit des Meisters erreichen könnte, dann ist es Seine Gnade. Bevor er den Ashram verließ, rief Swamy Kuttan den Mut auf, den Rat des Meisters zu suchen. Wie sollte ich über meine Sadhana gehen, fragte er. Der Meister antwortete: Halten Sie ein spirituelles Tagebuch. Gott hatte mit ihm gesprochen. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an war er absolut regelmäßig in der Aufrechterhaltung des Tagebuchs und, unnötig zu erwähnen, in seinem Sadhana ebenso. Der Guru hatte das Leben der Jünger übernommen. Er kehrte zu seinem Armeelager bei Jullender zurück. Für die schweren Sadhaka, wird die Umgebung nicht abschreckend sein. Er muss sich nur an seine Umgebung anpassen. Hindernisse und Misserfolge können zum Erfolg werden. Ungünstige Situationen können geändert werden. Wir machen unser eigenes Karma. Als er nicht arbeitete, trat Swamy Kuttan in seine Yogapraxis ein. Japa, Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Anbetung - alle wurden regelmäßig durchgeführt. Nachdem er 1946 von der Armee entlassen worden war, besuchte er erneut das Ashram, bevor er nach Hause zurückkehrte. Zu dieser Zeit wurde eine große Lektion von Kuttan Swamy gelernt. Es ist die Sitte des Ashram, jeden Abend Arati zu tun. Alle Devotees und Insassen des Ashram, die von den Ufern des Ganges zusammengebracht wurden, um den Meister zu beobachten, führen heute Abend die Verehrung des Flusses durch. Der junge Besucher war skeptisch. Immerhin hatte er ein wissenschaftliches Temperament und wusste, dass ein Fluss nur Wasser ist. H20 - stellen Sie sich vor, H20 zu beten. Aber als er dort stand und den Heiligen, der die Lichter winkte, beobachtete, sah er den Fluss zu einer Masse von fließendem Licht. In diesem Augenblick der Fluss nahm eine göttliche Strömung, eine Manifestation der Gnade des Herrn. Es flüsterte diese Botschaft an ihn Gott durchdringt alles, was auch seine besondere Form ist. Dies änderte völlig seine Einstellung zum Leben. Swamy Kuttan kehrte nach Hause zurück und unterzog Lehrerausbildung in Kollengode, einem nahe gelegenen College. So wurde er, wie seine Mütter wünschen, Lehrer. Aber auch während er zu Hause lebte und arbeitete, war er tief in Sadhana untergetaucht. Ein kleiner Meditationsraum neben dem familys Anbetungsraum wurde zu seinem. Dort installierte er Bilder von Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, Lord Krishna und Lakshmi-Narayana. In diesem Raum pflegte er zu verehren, tat Japa, Meditation, Kirtan, etc. Eines schönen Morgens im August 1947 brachte der Briefträger den Ruf aus dem Himalaya in Form einer Einladung zur Diamantjubiläumsfeier von Sri Gurudevs Geburtstag. Der junge Kuttan Swamy war begeistert. Er wusste, dass er gehen musste, es war die göttliche Botschaft, auf die er gewartet hatte. Obwohl er vorhatte, nur ein paar Tage zu gehen, da er Abschied von seiner Mutter im Bus nahm, hörte er eine Stimme, dass er nicht zurückkehren würde. Er versuchte noch die Stimme, konnte es aber nicht. Nach der Ankunft am Ashram am 1. September wurde Swami Kuttan gebeten, mit den Ashram-Aufgaben zu helfen. In Indien ist es notwendig, Linsen vor dem Kochen zu waschen. Sie werden dann in die Sonne gelegt, um zu trocknen, aber oft kommen die Affen und stehlen sie. Swamy Kuttans Karma Yoga war es, die Linsen vor den Affen zu schützen. Eines Tages, als er das tat, ging Meister vorüber. Er sah den jungen Mann an und sagte: Bleiben Sie hier. Ja, Swamiji war die sofortige Antwort. Einen Augenblick später erkannte er, dass er sein Wort gegeben und einmal gegeben hatte, konnte nicht zurückgenommen werden. So nahm Sri Gurudev diesen neuen Jünger an und begrüßte ihn als permanenten Mitarbeiter zum Ashram. Er segnete ihn mit der Einweihung in die Ordnung Brahmacharyas und gab ihm den Namen Vishnu Chaitanya. Auf Sivaratri, März 1948, wurde Vishnu Chaitanya Swami Vishnudevananda. Von da an nannte Meister immer liebevoll ihn Vishnu Swamiji. Als die liebenden Eltern lernten, dass ihr Sohn Sivas göttliche Armee beigetreten war, schrieben sie einen verstörten Brief. Vishnu Swamiji zeigte es dem Meister, der es kühl mit den Worten Mathba Naasti, Pithba Naasti, zurückgab. (Es gibt weder Mutter noch Vater für dich.) Das beunruhigte Herz fand unmittelbaren Frieden. Es war die besondere Fähigkeit von Sri Gurudev, die Fähigkeiten und besonderen Talente jedes seiner Jünger herauszufinden. Er würde ermutigen und nähren. Unter seiner fachkundigen Anleitung fingen unvollkommene und unreife Aspiranten an und entwickelten ihre latenten Talente. Meister sah, dass dieser neue Schüler Tendenzen zu Hatha Yoga hatte und dass er ein guter Organisator war. So wurde Vishnu Swamis Ausbildung in der Entwicklung dieser inhärenten Qualitäten gerichtet. Er wurde zum Professor für Hatha Yoga an der Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy ernannt. Menschen aus ganz Indien und der Welt kamen und blieben im Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh. Der Meister sandte Menschen zu Vishnu Swamiji für Hatha Yoga Unterricht. Gleichzeitig setzte er seine eigenen Praktiken und wurde ein Experte. Er beherrschte viele schwierige und fortgeschrittene Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas, etc. Sein Körper war so biegsam, dass der Meister sagte, dass Vishnu Swamiji ein Mann ohne Knochen ist. Aber wie lernte er all diese alten Praktiken, die zu einem großen Teil in der modernen Indien verloren hatte Swamiji oft sagt, Mein Meister berührte mich mein intuitives Auge geöffnet. All dieses Wissen kehrte aus früheren Leben zu mir zurück. Um der erste Hatha Yoga Professor der Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Wald Akademie und Zentrum all dieser Aufmerksamkeit war sehr viel für einen jungen Mann zu behandeln. Wie Swamiji scherzhaft sagt, entwickelte ich bald einen Fall von Ego Fever. Er war ein 90 Pfund schwach und fühlte die Notwendigkeit, ein Aussehen im Einklang mit seiner Statur auf dem Ashram geben. Daher entschied er sich, einen Bart und lange Haare, die Marken eines ausgezeichneten Yogi wachsen. Meister beobachtete dies alles. Als das Ego zu aufgeblasen wurde, entschied er, dass es Zeit sei, eine Nadel darin zu halten. Eines Tages sah er seinen jungen Jünger an und sagte: Ja, Vishnu Swami, der Bart passt zu dir. Ja, es ist wahr, wir müssen alle ein gutes Aussehen und beeindrucken Menschen. Ja, ja, mach weiter. Swamiji sagt, In diesem Augenblick zog sich mein Körper zusammen. Ich erkannte, was ich tat. Er rasierte sich sofort und versuchte nie wieder Luft aufzutreiben oder zu beeindrucken. Es ist wunderbar zu sehen, wie Meister niemals ein unfreundliches Wort gesagt hat, auch wenn die Menschen sich selbst zum Narren gehalten haben. Er versuchte sanft, ihnen klar zu machen, was sie taten und wie sie ihre Fehler korrigieren sollten. Kurz nach der Einnahme von Sannyas fühlte Swami Vishnuji ein großes Bedürfnis, allein zu sein und intensive Sadhana zu tun. Er bittet um Erlaubnis des Meisters, den er erhalten hat. Zusammen mit seinem Gurubhai Swami Chinmayananda (der Sannyas am selben Tag genommen hatte) ging er zu Uttar Kashi. Dies ist ein schöner Ort weiter oben auf dem Ganges als Rishikesh, die berühmt ist als ein Ort, wo viele Sadhaks leben und sich in spirituellen Praktiken. Swami Chinmayanandaji traf hier Swami Tapowanam und setzte die Berge nach Gangotri fort. Jedoch fand Vishnu Swamiji ein kleines Haus im Abschnitt von Uttar Kashi, das als Thekala bekannt ist, um zu vereinbaren und seine Sadhana zu tun. Asanas, Pranayama, etc. wurden in 4-4 Stunden Sitzungen täglich durchgeführt. Der Ganges floss vor der Hütte und er ging zum Baden und Kriyas. Alles, was er aß, war kedgeree aus Linsen und Reis, gekauft vom Geld, das ihm der Meister beim Verlassen des Ashrams gegeben hatte. Eines Tages kam ein altes Ehepaar zur Swamijis-Hütte. Der Mann war sehr krank und es gab keine Ärzte für viele Meilen. Sie hatten gehört, dass es einen heiligen Mann gab, der in der Nähe wohnte und für einen ganzen Tag ging, um Swamiji zu sehen. Er war ihre einzige Hoffnung. Swamiji war kein Arzt, aber er kannte die Kraft positiven Denkens und Gebets. Er ging in die Hütte und nahm ein Glas Wasser. Dazu legte er etwas Milch und eine heilige Asche. Er gab dies dem Mann und sagte besondere Gebete für seine Gesundheit. Bald fühlte sich der Mann besser und kehrte mit Frau in ihr Dorf zurück. Nach 3 Monaten dieser Strenge war es Zeit, zum Ashram zurückzukehren. Als er anfing, traf Swamiji einen Kaufmann, der auf einem Esel reiste, der ihn veranlasste, eine Abkürzung durch die Berge zu nehmen. Das erwies sich als äußerst anstrengend. Der Kaufmann ritt seinen Esel, aber der junge Schwami ging barfuß über scharfe Felsen. Nach drei Tagen des anstrengenden Gehens, mit wenig Nahrung, erreichten sie Rishikesh. Swamiji war so abgemagert und erschöpft, daß sogar Meister ihn kaum erkannte. Aber auch diese Härten wurden in wachsende Erfahrungen umgesetzt. Vishnu Swamiji benutzte sie und gewann neue Stärken von ihnen. Vishnu Swamiji warf sich nun mit neuer Begeisterung in die Arbeit des Ashrams. Er hatte nicht nur viele kreative Ideen zur Verbesserung der Dinge, sondern auch die Energie, sie auszuführen. Sobald Meister zu ihm sagte, Vishnu Swamiji, jetzt sehe ich Ihre Kundalini steigt. Wenn dies geschieht, wird der Geist mit Inspiration überschwemmt. Er wurde der persönliche Assistent von Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Dies gab Vishnu Swami die Möglichkeit, den Meister aus erster Hand zu beobachten. Er lernte, dass die Art, wie der Meister in der Öffentlichkeit handelte, genau so war, wie er privat gehandelt hatte. Es gab keinen Vorwand und keine Vorliebe für ihn, nur eine ehrliche, geradlinige und liebevolle Natur. Einer seiner Pflichten als persönlicher Assistent war, abends das Masters-Bett aufzusetzen. Eine Nacht als Vishnu Swami ging zum Schrank für ein Blatt, fand er ein Nest von Ratten Babys. Er brachte es dem Meister, der auf seiner Veranda saß. Es war dunkel, und als er gebeten wurde, zu schauen, sagte Meister: Was ist es, prasad Dann, als er sah, was es war, schnitt er sie zurück, bevor die Mutter zurückkehrt und aufgeregt ist. Ein paar Tage später wurde die Mutter von einer Katze gefangen und die Babys starben, weil sie nicht wieder für sie sorgen. Vishnu Swami brachte ihre Körper zum Meister, der ohne Zögern OM Trayambakams für ihre verstorbenen Seelen sagte. Es war ein junger Mann am Ashram namens Govinda, der eine depressive Natur hatte. Eines Tages kam er mit einer sehr geringen Stimmung zum Masters-Büro und bat um Geld, um in sein Dorf zurückzukehren. Sivananda bat ihn zu versuchen, sich aus dieser Stimmung, sagen, darüber hinaus, dass die Ashram nicht das Geld haben. Später am Abend, als er nach Satsang fuhr, fühlte sich Master besorgt. Er ging zu Govindas Raum, um zu sehen, ob der Jünger sich besser fühlte. Aber Govinda war deprimiert und wollte ihm nicht einmal antworten, also ging er zu Satsang. Während der stillen Meditation gab es einen lauten Crash. Jeder sah auf und war entsetzt zu sehen, wie Govinda eine Axt im Masters-Kopf schwing. Swami Vishnuji, der in der Nähe des Meisters saß, war der erste. Er zog den Angreifer von Sivananda in einer großen Wut. Meister sagte ihm später, Vishnu Swami, müssen Sie lernen, Ihre Emotionen zu kontrollieren. Govinda wurde ins Gefängnis gebracht. Am nächsten Tag nahm Sivananda Früchte und Blumen ins Gefängnis und krachte den Möchtegern-Mörder. Er ließ ihn los und beauftragte einen seiner Jünger, Govinda in seine Heimatstadt zu begleiten. Dieser Vorfall war eine großartige Lernerfahrung für Vishnu Swamiji. Er sah, dass zu einem verwirklichten Meister Gott in vielen Formen kommt. Für Sivananda war eine Person, die sein Leben nehmen würde, so viel Gott wie ein Mann, der kommen würde, ihn zu kränzen. Er hatte große Liebe für beide. Kurz nach dem Attentäter lief Vishnu Swami vom Ashram weg. Er wurde aufgeregt mit dem ständigen Klatsch und müßigen Geschwätz anderer Häftlinge. Er fühlte, dass nur Sattvic Leute erlaubt werden sollten, am Ashram zu bleiben. Es war wahr, dass viele unerwünschte Menschen erlaubt waren, sogar vom Meister ermutigt, am Ashram zu bleiben. Wenn die Schüler sich darüber beschweren würden, würde Sivananda sagen: Wenn du so heilig bist, brauchst du keinen Ashram. Dies ist ein Platz für Leute, die meine Hilfe brauchen. Es ist besser, dass sie hier sind als in der Welt, wo sie große Schäden verursachen können. Aber Vishnu Swamis Zustand des Geistes war dies nicht akzeptabel. Er war müde von der ständigen Betonung des Karma Yoga und wollte mehr Sadhana machen. Und auch sein Ego war von der Masters-Beobachtung über seine Notwendigkeit, seine Emotionen zu kontrollieren, verletzt worden. Swami Vishnudevananda verließ 1950 den Ashram und verbrachte ein Jahr als Parivrajaka (wandernder, mittelloser Mönch). Er reiste durch ganz Nordindien von Dwaraka im Westen nach Badrinath im Norden. Einmal war er seit Tagen mit wenig zu essen gegangen. Er war sehr hungrig, aber er traf nur mittellose Wanderer wie sich selbst oder arme Pilger. Endlich gab ihm jemand einen Teil ihres einfachen Essens. Er war überglücklich, aber erinnerte sich, wie heiß und schmutzig er war, ging er zu einem nahe gelegenen Fluss zu waschen und das Essen dem Herrn vor der Teilnahme anbieten. Gesäubert griff er nach den kostbaren Bissen, die in sein oberes Tuch gewickelt waren. Aber das Tuch fing auf einem Zweig, und das Essen fiel ins Wasser. It was gone immediately, and the young monk was left hungry and tired. He walked on, then sat down under a tree to rest. Shortly, an older swami came down the road. He saw how tired Vishnu Swami looked. Are you hungry, Swamiji he asked. The reply, of course, was Yes. Then follow me, the old man said. Vishnu Swami got up, followed the man to the next town, and was taken to a small house. There, a humble but plentiful feast was spread out before him. In later years, Swamiji often said that even with the frustration of seeing the food fall into the water, he did not despair. He always knew that God would take care of him. Vishnu Swamiji made his way to Dwaraka, the ancient kingdom of Lord Krishna. He took the ferry to the island, but found nothing there but a desert. Hungry and tired, he walked along the beach. Suddenly a man appeared. He filled Vishnu Swamis cloth with dates and peanuts. As Swamiji started to walk away, he realized that he had not properly thanked the man. He turned around to do so, but the man had vanished. There were no trees or rocks on the beach for the man to have walked behind He had simply disappeared. Again, God had taken care of his sincere devotee. In a weakened and emaciated condition, Swami Vishnudevananda returned to the Ashram. In spite of all the anguish his hasty departure had caused Master he welcomed him back with open arms. The return home brought physical and spiritual nourishment. New vigor was to be seen in Vishnu Swamiji. The experiences of Parivrajak life gave him tremendous confidence and faith. He found that he was able to transcend body-consciousness during actual times of practising Pranayama and Dhyana. This also gave him extraordinary powers of endurance and incredible vitality for service. He was there ready, willing and eager whenever his hand was needed. He often conducted Sankirtan, nursed the sick, and worked as Masters assistant. At various times, he managed the Sivananda Publication League, ran the Ashram kitchen, and supervised the building of Sri Gurudevs temple and other buildings. Master Sivananda was a great man, not only in spirit, but in physical form as well. One time when his Mahasamadhi shrine was under construction, Master came to inspect the work. He laid down in the spot where his body was to be buried. It was too short and he ordered Vishnu Swamiji to make it larger to accommodate his massive body. One of his gurubhais remembers, Vishnu Swami used to go down to the Ganges often. He would swim, dive, and float on her waters in Matsyasana (fish position) with Plavini Pranayama. He could also cross the broad Ganges with her forcible currents, as he was a strong swimmer. Or he would climb to the top of buildings and swing down on a rope. By Pranayama, he could concentrate his Prana on any part of his body and pass his hands to the body of another and do Yogic Therapy. One day during the course of some work, Master said to him, Vishnu Swami, one day you must go to America. People are waiting there for you to teach them Yoga. The young man laughed. The Master might have well said, Someday you will go to the Moon. To him America was as far away as the moon. In 1955, Devaki Amma came to the Ashram to visit her son she was 55 years old at the time. She enjoyed, or rather, was overjoyed, with a dip in the Ganges. She visited the temple, embraced the Himalayas, and received the Darshana of Sri Gurudev. Understanding the dispassionate nature of her mind, Sri Gurudev asked her if she would like to take Sannyas. Yes, Swamiji, she said. Thus, she too was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas and blessed with the name Swami Sivasarananda. She lived at the Ashram for about 10 years, rendering selfless service in the temple, in the kitchen, Akhanda Nama, and wherever else she could help. She spent her days in Sadhana and Satsanga. This lady who thus purified and sanctified her life was known in the Ashram as Vishnu Mataji (mother of Vishnu Swamiji). Master loved her food very much, saying that it was very holy. One day, he said to Mataji, Vishnu Swamiji is not like ordinary people. He never simply walks, but flies from place to place. One day, he will be flying all over the World. Master sent Vishnu Swamiji to various parts of India to give Yoga demonstrations. There was an Englishman named P. J. Parr who used to come to the Ashram frequently. In 1953 when Vishnu Swamiji was in Calcutta, Mr. Parr invited him to visit his tea estate in Assam Gauhati. He bought Swamiji a plane ticket. This was his first flight he remembers that he read the Gita en route. Several years later, when Master told Swami Vishnuji to go to the West, it was this same P. J. Parr who sent him part of the money to travel. Ekante Sakhamasyatam (Sit quietly in solitude) sings Sri Sankara. This Sadhana in solitude was dear to Vishnu Swamiji. Hence, for this purpose Sri Gurudev arranged for a kutir to be built for him in the forest behind the temple of the Ashram. He lived there for some time and later lived in a solitary kutir (hut) in Ramnagar, some 3 miles away from the Ashram. While he was living at Ramnagar, Vishnu Swamiji contracted malaria. A relentless high fever caused him to seek medical assistance. The quinine pills prescribed relieved the malaria, but left their toll. Intense stomach cramps gripped the young monk. It was a helpless condition. He could neither find a cure for the pains, nor discontinue the quinine, which was curing the malaria. He still continued to take the quinine, and to suffer from the intense pain. One day, as he was walking around the Ashram, Vishnu Swami noticed an old Sannyasi who lived in the ashram next door. This man was known as a homeopathic doctor. On impulse, Swamiji went over to the man and told him of his illness. The man gave him a remedy for the cramps and soon Swamiji was cured. Looking back, Swamiji often said that though he had visited many doctors, and had even seen this old man many times, no one had been able to help him. But when he had suffered enough, God worked through this old gentleman to take his pain away. During his stay at Ramnagar, he told a visiting friend, I cannot be satisfied with being here alone. I want to spread the knowledge of Yoga Vedanta everywhere. It is interesting to note how these Samskaras (subtle impressions) manifested themselves. Sri Gurudev had cancelled his global tour after the arrangements had been made. Instead, it seemed like his global tour was taking place in reverse. Instead of himself going and meeting people in various countries, people from all over the world came seeking his Darshana. Because of this, people from all over the world came to know Vishnu Swami. They watched him demonstrate his asanas, and many of them studied with him. He received numerous invitations to visit people all over the world. In 1957, Sri Gurudev selected this young disciple as his first apostle of peace to the West. He sent him forth saying, People are waiting. Swami Vishnudevananda set out for the West. Sylvia Heck of Montreal had visited the Ashram a year before she later became Swamijis secretary. When she heard that he was coming, she was overjoyed, and immediately sent the necessary funds for Swamiji to commence his journey. Swamijis travels were in steps. He would visit a place and teach. People always seemed to turn up to pay his ongoing passage. The first stop outside of India was Ceylon. His programs in Jaffana and Kandi were arranged by Swami Muktananda, a close female disciple of Master. Swami Satchidananda, who later founded the Integral Yoga Institute, was then living in Colombo. He welcomed his gurubhai and kindly arranged programs. From Ceylon, Swamiji flew to Singapore where he was met by Gopal Krishna and members of the Divine Life Society. One of them, Mr. K. P.A. Menon, remembers that, Some of the members of the Divine Life Society of Singapore, including myself, had assembled at the airport to receive Swami Vishnudevananda. The arrival of the plane from India was announced and we rushed out to meet the Swamiji. As the passengers came out, we tried to spot Swamiji, whom we expected to be middle aged. The last person to leave the plane was a saffron clad young person. We were wondering why Swamiji was lagging behind when the young man walked up to us and announced him - self as Swami Vishnudevananda Before the week was over, Swamiji was teaching Yogasana classes in the Ramakrishna Mission Hall. At that time Singapore and Malay were politically one. Swami Pranavanandaji was in Kuala Lampur to arrange his gurubhais program. He is now the director of the Divine Life Society branch there. From Malaysia, Swamiji flew to Hong Kong. His classes, arranged by Mr. Vasudevan of the Hindu Temple, were well received. Many Ambassadors and Government Ministers attended. These people were mainly Buddhists and used to meditate. They found Yoga to be in keeping with their religious practices and were grateful to the young Swami. While he was in Hong Kong, a Practical Guide for Students of Yoga was published. Many of the pictures of Swamiji in the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga were taken from this book. In Hong Kong, Swami Vishnuji met Mr. Mrs. Modic. They were stationed there with the American Foreign Service. Paul Modic had Multiple Sclerosis, which was cured by doing Yoga. The Modics helped Swamiji to start the Center there. It was they who arranged Swamijis visa to the United States. Indonesian Police Chief R. S. Sukanto had the good fortune to visit the Sivananda Ashram the previous year. He had the Darshana and Blessings of Sri Gurudev and helped to make the arrangements for Vishnu Swamijis tour. Classes were given for the entire police department. Upon Swamijis departure, Sukanto gave him an International Drivers License. Vishnu Swami had never driven nor did he know how to, but it was a well known fact that everyone in America has a drivers license. So the young traveler had to have one as well. Learning to drive would come later. After Indonesia came Australia. This was the first white mans country for Swamiji. He landed in Perth, the city of beautiful roses, and traveled to Melbourne. There he gave classes auspices of the Board of Adult Education. The director of this program to his friend in America, Dr. Marcus Bach, who was then Professor of Religion at Iowa University. Dr. Bach invited Swamiji to visit when he in the U. S. and later wrote the Forward to the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga . Olgert Kaugert was Swamijis host while in Melbourne he later moved to San Francisco and organized classes there for Swamiji. He had been to the Ashram in Rishikesh, and was the one to pay for the final leg of Swamijis journey. Kaugert arranged a large program which 400-500 people attended. The next day the newspapers reported on it saying that Swamiji looked like Jerry Lewis. While in Sydney, students take Swamiji to the famous opera house where he heard his first opera. The way Swamiji describes it, there were thousands of people all having a wonderful experience. But there was one person hearing the same thing but experiencing something very painful - that was Swamiji. He usually goes on to say that it is all a matter of what you are accustomed to this was his first acquaintance with Western music. During a brief visit to Hawaii, Swamiji stayed with Mr. Mrs. A. Lambert. A small Center was started there. Arriving at the San Francisco airport, Swami Vishnu expected to have no one meet him. To his surprise Mr. Mrs. McRury of Oakland had been contacted by Sylvia Heck and were there to welcome him. Swamiji stayed at their home, and everyday they drove him to San Francisco where he conducted classes. It was at this time that Swamiji first met Mr. Vidya Channon of San Francisco. Channonji, as he is lovingly known, has remained one of Swamijis greatest devotees. Swamiji decided to learn to drive. After all, he did have an International Drivers License. So he bought an old car and took it to an abandoned parking lot and spent the day there, shifting gears, going backward and forward. Finally he had the confidence to drive down the hill and across the Bay Bridge. Swamiji drove to Los Angeles where Judith Tyberg arranged his program. Classes were in her home and later at Indira Devis place. At the same time, he was the subject of intensive research at UCLA. They hooked him up to all kinds of instruments to test muscle strength, etc. and asked him to do pranayama. Swamiji says that while in Los Angeles he learned what the two things are that Americans think of all the time: how to reduce and where to park. From the testing at UCLA, he earned 50 a day. This seemed a vast sum of money to him at the time. He bought himself an old Packard and drove eastward crisscrossing the continent. Fruits, nuts, and water were kept in the car. Whenever he got tired, he would pull to the side of the road and sleep. In this way, Swamiji got to see much of America and to learn about its people. He visited Dr. Marcus Bach in Iowa. From Iowa, he continued to Minneapolis and then drove up to Canada. In Ottawa, Swamiji was hosted by the Masseys Mrs. Massey was the daughter-in-law of the Governor General of Canada at that time. Swami Vishnudevanandaji arrived in Montreal for the first time in 1959. Dora Henritt attended his first lecture. She was 50 years old at the time and began her Yoga Sadhana with great enthusiasm. As Swami Ramananda, she has continued to work with Swamiji for all these years. She has proven herself to be the strongest pillar of his mission in the West. It was Sylvia Heck who arranged all of Swamijis programs. He stayed in her parents home until he was able to find a place to establish a Center in Montreal. Later, in 1959, when the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers were officially established, she was the first secretary of the Organization. Students in Montreal tried to convince Swami Vishnuji to stay there and make the city his headquarters, but he was determined that New York should be his home base. He traveled to New York, but stayed only a few days. A gentleman named Marshall Davis came to his classes and convinced him to come to Florida. Classes were arranged in a church in Miami, Louise Osis was one of his students she attended an Asana class but when the time came to do a headstand, she did not try. So Swamiji stood her on her head. To his amazement, she did a perfectly straight headstand and did not come down. Finally, she asked him to lower her, explaining that she had been in an accident and her entire body was in an iron corset. But Swami Vishnuji still had the idea of setting up his headquarters in New York. After conducting classes in West Palm Beach, he returned there. His student Marshall Davis helped to arrange a lecture in Carnegie Hall. Many interested students attended and soon a group was meeting at the Unitarian Church. Among those attending was Dr. Harry Dickman, a long time disciple and correspondent of Masters. From the Church, the group moved to the Drid Williams Studio and then to the Cornish Arms Hotel. After 6 to 8 months, classes were going very well. Swami Chidananda, the current President of the Divine Life Society, arrived and it seemed that everything was going according to plan. But someone in New York saw Swami Vishnudevanandajis movement as a threat to his own money-making interests. He had a fancy studio and plans to sell Yoga to rich people. Therefore, he wrote an anonymous letter to the immigration people saying that Swami Vishnuji was in the country illegally. They investigated and found that he had a tourist visa. Swami Vishnu could not teach classes until his status was changed. At this point, Swamiji had started working on the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga . One of his students took the outline to Arthur Ceppos of Julian Press. They immediately signed a contract to print the book and gave the starving author a 200 cash advance. As Swamiji often says, That 200 literally saved my life and created the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers around the world. Classes were continued in New York under the direction of Elsie Berne while Swamiji went to Montreal to straighten out his immigration status. It was because of this letter incident that the Headquarters of the Sivananda Yoga Vendanta Centers came to be near Montreal even though Swamiji had tried to plan otherwise. Classes were started at a center on Stanley Street. Swami Vishnuji had to spend time traveling between New York and Montreal. It was at this time that Swami Vishnuji first decided to learn to fly, thinking that piloting his own plane would cut down on his traveling expenses. He now laughs at the absurdity of the idea. Swami Chidanandaji came to Montreal to help run the Stanley Street Center when Swami Vishnudevanandaji left for Rishikesh with Dr. Ian Kent to see Master. During the summer, it was noticed that class attendance dropped off drastically, especially on weekends. Swamiji wondered what people did instead. He learned that they drove to the Laurentian Mountains for a rest. A wonderful thought struck him if people leave the city to take a vacation then why not give them the chance for a Yoga vacation The first Yoga Camp was set up in St. Hyppolite at the summer home of the parents of Sylvia Heck. It was amazing for Swamiji to see Westerners who had all the material comforts gladly give them up to sleep on the floor and take cold showers. Few people in India would have voluntarily accepted these conditions. It was now that Swamiji first realized that here were people ready and eager for Spiritual Knowledge. They had great strength and resources, but lacked inner discipline. They were ready and eager to learn Swamijis five basic principles: proper diet, proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, positive thinking and meditation. One day while meditating, Swamiji saw a beautiful light to the north and felt an irresistible force pulling him in the direction of Val Morin. Though he didnt have time to go, he knew that something important would happen there. The following summer, the camp was held on 11th Avenue, Val Morin. Swamiji felt the need for a permanent place for these yoga camps. It was in February 1962 that Swamiji first came to the present site. Although it was dense forest, Swamiji intuitively knew that this was the spot. He and students worked hard. They had to chop down trees, clear the land, and get things ready. That summer the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp was opened. It was the summer of 1963 on the opening day of the Summer Camp at the Sivananda Ashram at 8th Avenue, Val Morin, its present site. Swami Vishnudevanandaji received a telegram from the Divine Life Society about the serious condition of Master Sivananda. Because of unavoidable circumstances, Swamiji found it difficult to leave Canada for India. He therefore telegraphed the Ashram to find out Masters exact condition. The answer came that it was improving, and Swamiji cancelled his plane reservations. On July 14th, Swamiji received another telegram saying that Master had entered Mahasamadhi. Swamiji felt overpowered with grief because he could not be in his Masters presence during the last moments of his life. During the summer months at the Yoga Camp, Swamiji used to sleep in a tent. In the tent next to Swamijis slept one of his students, a French Canadian named Andre. It was approximately three AM on July 17, 1963 that Swamiji was awakened by a familiar sound, Vishnu Swami, wake up. At first Swamiji thought that Andre had called him from the next tent. So without getting up from bed, Swamiji called Andre to ask him if he had called. No, Swamiji, came the answer. But again the familiar voice Vishnu Swami came so clear that Swamiji arose. Only then did he realize that it was no other person than his Master who had appeared in his tent to comfort him and assure him that he had not abandoned his disciples. I am ever with you, he said. Swamiji immediately called Andre to wake up, meditate, and feel the presence of Master. Swamiji then went into deep meditation. He later said that he could feel Master trying to lift his mind to higher planes. Though this experience lasted only a few minutes, it removed all sorrow and grief, for now he knew that Master would always be present to guide him. He realized that time and space are no barriers for the Master to help his students. The next morning, Swamiji gathered all the campers, arranged a special puja, and informed them that he planned to build a temple on the holy spot where Master had appeared. A foundation stone was laid in the presence of all. Mr. Wayne Myers of Nassau, who was staying at the Camp at the time, gave a generous contribution to build the Temple. The Bulgarian artist, Mr. Stefanoff, designed the temple. In July, 1965, it was officially inaugurated by His Excellency, Mr. B. A. Acharya, High Commissioner of India to Canada. Representatives of all faiths were present at the ceremony. The unique bust of Master was created by Mrs. Blanche Howard, a student from New York. February 1965, Swamiji was in Nassau and heard that the Beatles were filming Help on the island. He went to meet them and gave them each an autographed copy of the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga . Ringo looked at the book and commented, I cant even stand on my legs, let alone my head. George asked a number of intelligent questions. Swamiji could see that he obviously had Yogic samskaras. George later went to Bombay to study the sitar, which is where he came under the influence of the Maharishi. Later in the year, Swamiji was flying to New York and read in a newspaper how some hippies had been evicted from their homes. They were looking to buy an island. Swamiji felt compassion and immediately flew to London to help them. While he was in London, he sent a telegram to the Beatles. Later that evening, a young man in hippie dress knocked on the door of his hotel room. It was George Harrison, who invited him to his house for dinner. The newspapers heard of this, and when Swamiji and the hippie leaders set off to inspect the island, there was heavy press coverage. The island, which was off the coast of Ireland, was desolate with no source of water and the idea was abandoned. But, the former hippies discovered the truth in Swamijis teachings, and inaugurated the first Sivananda Yoga Center in London. Swamiji was invited to speak in Nassau, Bahamas. There he came to know Mrs. Natalie Boswell. She was so impressed with the work that Swamiji was doing that she agreed to rent her 4 acre estate on Paradise Island to him on a 99 year lease. Her lawyers were adamantly opposed to the plan, and attempted to stop the rental of this valuable property. But Swamiji had seen a magnificent aura over the land, and he had confidence that this would be the site of his second Ashram. In the end, it proved to be so. But, even after the lease was signed, the Yoga Retreat ran into difficulties. One day, Swami Vishnuji was walking down the street with his friend and student Wayne Myers. They had been trying for days to obtain a certain necessary permit, but with no success. Suddenly Swamiji had the idea of paying a visit to Prime Minister Pindling who had presided over some yoga conferences held the previous year. They went to the office and convinced his secretary to announce them to the Prime Minister. Mr. Pindling invited them in and asked why they had come. Swamiji explained that they were trying to open a Yoga Retreat and would like to have his blessings. The Prime Minister gave it to them gladly. Swamiji went to the permit office and announced that he had the blessings of the prime minister to start the Yoga Retreat. The permit was his the next day and the Retreat opened its doors in 1967. It is curious to note that on the exact same day as the Retreat opened, a big casino opened for business on the other end of the Island. Swamiji cites this as the workings of the law of karma. For every action there is a reaction. For the many people running after the sensual pleasures of drinking, gambling, and so forth, there are a few sincere Yogis to balance things out. In an area where vacationers usually come to gamble, drink and make merry, the retreats sattvic atmosphere provides an atmosphere of health and well-being. Swamiji believes that this area was once part of Atlantis, the lost continent. There is a huge rock which now forms the altar of the Retreats temple. The aura in this spot indicates - it was a holy spot during the time Atlantis. Other Ashrams were established. In August, 1971 land was purchased to establish the Vrindavan Yoga Farm Sivananda Ashram. Nestled in the foothills of Californias Sierra Mountains, it is 60 acres of beautiful rolling hills, which Swamiji has often claimed his favorite spot. It is here that he tries to take some time in seclusion each year. It is named after the holy city of Vrindavan in India, home of Lord Krishna. Often, on nights of the full moon, you can see Krishna and the Gopis dancing the Rasa Lila. There are several beautiful ponds. One of them is filled with fish rescued by Swamiji. He had gone to a local State Fair where one of the entertainments was to pay a certain amount to catch fish in a large tub. Swamijis compassionate heart reached out once again. He bought all of the fish and had them transported to the Farm and put in the pond where they would be safe from such cruel and senseless sports. On one of the hills overlooking the Farm is a beautiful Siva Temple, inaugurated by Swamiji in September, 1977. There is a small meditation pond filled with gold fish and lotus plants. A Siva Linga sits in the middle of it with oblations of water continually pouring onto its head. There is also the beautiful black statue of Lord Narayana which was given to Swamiji by his gurubhai Swami Venkatesanandaji. Swamiji often sits on the hill and says to his students, Just look around you. What more could you ask for The Lord has given you everything. On July 1, 1974, a fourth Sivananda Ashram was inaugurated. This is the beautiful Ranch Colony in Woodbourne, N. Y. As with the other Ashrams, Swamiji bought it because of the strong spiritual vibrations he felt there. Shortly before Swamiji first saw the Ranch, one of his greatest supporters left his body. In his will, he left 25,000 to Swamiji personally. This money was used as the down payment on the Ranch. Mr. Myers helped us with his beautiful donation so that New Yorkers could have a beautiful Ashram within driving distance of the City. In the Fall of 1976, Swamiji inaugurated a Durga Temple there. It was in the temple at the Ashram on Paradise Island that Swamiji had an unsettling vision that was to have tremendous effect on his life. He had a vision of a rush of people tearing down the walls and barriers that exist between nations and peoples. He could not at first believe this frightening vision, but knew from past similar experiences that whatever he envisions will sooner or later materialize on this physical plane. This vision was the inspiration for the TWO (True World Order) . This organization aims at promoting peace and understanding. One outgrowth of this has been Swamijis Teachers Training Courses. Its aims are to train the future leaders and responsible citizens of the world in Yogic disciplines. True Brotherhood and Peace can only exist where there are strong and self-controlled leaders to set an example for the masses. It is of vital importance that leaders have inner vision and inner peace. Not until men have this inner peace can they hope to establish global peace. Father Dan OHanlan, a Jesuit priest who took the Teachers Training Course said of Swamiji: His teaching style was one of somehow compelling the student into the orbit of his personal magnetism. With his eyes, his gestures, his powerful voice and gut laughter, he created an area of powerful force into which the student was absorbed willy-nilly. One characteristic device he constantly used was the unfinished sentence, repeated with compelling insistence until one or all would fill in the blank. What everyone really wants is -. What everyone really wants is - Sleeping at one of Swamijis lectures was well-nigh impossible. In 1969, Swamiji conducted the first Teachers Training Course at his Ashram Headquarters in Val Morin. Later, similar courses were established in Nassau and Grass Valley, California. That same summer, Swamiji convened a Conference of Religions at Val Morin. Among those attending were Rabbi Gelberman of New Yorks Little Synagogue and Swamijis gurubhais Swamis Chidananda (President of the Divine Life Society), Venkatesananda, Sivapremananda, Satchidananda (founder Integral Yoga Institute), Sahajananda (Director, South African Branch, Divine Life Society), and Pranavananda (of Kuala Lampur). In 1970, rock festivals were very popular. As a sattvic alternative to this, Swamiji presented a Yoga Peace and Music Festival in August. Many dancers and musicians came from India for the event including Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan, and famous veena player Balachandran. Over 2000 people attended. The highlight of the event was seeing the entire Teachers Training Class walk over burning coals, led by Swamiji. They had purified themselves for weeks in advance with fasting, observing brahmacharya, and special pujas. These were all ordinary American students who had for the most part never believed that such things were possible. Yet, the power of their austerities permitted them to perform this seeming miracle. Special note must be made here of the outstanding contributions made by Pat Guy and Irene Roy (Swami Saradananda). It was their hard work and loving devotion which made this festival possible. They were the hands that worked dynamically to bring these visions into reality. As mentioned earlier, Swamiji had learned to fly and had gotten a pilots license. In 1970, he purchased a twin engine Piper Apache. Beautiful designs were lovingly hand painted onto it by famous artist Peter Max. Swamiji had great plans for this small plane. On August 30, 1971, he took off from Logan Airport, Boston on the first leg of his T. W.O. Round-the-World Peace Mission . With him was his student and co-pilot Bren Jacobson of Montreal. Their aim was to fly to the trouble spots of the world and spread the timeless and universal message of peace and love. The first stop was Belfast. Swamiji and actor Peter Sellers marched together, chanting for peace and brotherhood. They handed out leaflets with this message of love as expressed in all the religions of the world. Swamiji flew through Europe to Tel Aviv. On Oct. 6, he took off, heading across the war-ridden Suez Canal. When Israeli jets realized what he was doing, they buzzed the small plane, knocking it about with their powerful jet exhausts. Swami Vishnudevananda bombed them with flowers. On the other side of the Canal, this scene was repeated with the Egyptian Air Force. The small plane was almost shot down, but Swamiji retaliated, dropping flowers and pamphlets calling for peace. The Egyptian planes forced Swamiji to land he and his Jewish co-pilot were arrested. Instead of being upset at the prospect of being imprisoned, Swamiji was overjoyed. It seemed a perfect opportunity for engaging in Sadhana There would be plenty of time to meditate. They were put into cells and food was brought to them - fresh dates, milk, and whole wheat bread. Once again, Swamiji had turned misfortune into fortune. When the Egyptians learned that these two were not spies, they were treated as honored guests of the State. After a few days, they were permitted to take off and leave the country. It is interesting to note that in 1977, Egyptian President Sadat took this same journey in the reverse direction. He flew from Cairo to Tel Aviv on a mission of peace. Let us pray that his efforts will bear fruit. They continued eastward, bombing Pakistan and then India with their missiles of peace. Swamiji returned to Val Morin in time for Christmas, which was celebrated with new meaning that year. Swami Vishnudevanandaji has never been afraid to say what he believes is right. He has spoken out publicly on many issues. If the press is not in favor of what he is trying to say and will not I write stories, he simply buys advertising space in the newspapers, informing the public of his views. He has often printed letters of commendation for world leaders whom he believes to be working for world peace. It matters not that the leader may be unpopular in his own country, or even the world, at the moment. Politics is a fickle business, and what Swamiji sees is the long range view, and he sees it without self-interest. When Kissinger and Nixon arranged a cease-fire in the Middle East, Swamiji praised their efforts. When Indira Gandhi tried to strengthen India, though it lost her the control of the government, Swamiji applauded her bravery. As a citizen of Canada, a resident of Quebec, and an airplane pilot, Swamiji publicly condemned a prejudiced proposal to legally limit airplane communication to one language. In a half page ad in the Montreal Star, July 3, 1974, he said, Respect for anothers culture, religion, and language is essential for National and World peace. Continued prejudice can only reap disaster. Let the voice of freedom-loving Canadians be heard. Let us establish unity in diversity for a better Canada. Swamijis biggest campaign (to date) has been against what he considers to be unscrupulous business tactics of Transcendental Meditation. As Swamiji often tells the story: One day while I was in seclusion at the Farm, I had been meditating and then went for a walk. As I returned to my trailer, I felt an uncontrollable urge to turn on the television, as though some force were compelling me to do it. This seemed very strange, as I dont watch very much television - and especially during the day, I never watch it. I just like to see the news in the evening so that I can hear what is happening with humanity. But, this particular afternoon at about four, I turned on the television and found myself turning the dial. This was strange, as reception at the Farm is bad, as we are in the mountains and get only one station. Suddenly a station came in very strongly. It was the Merv Griffin Show and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was on. So I sat down to watch. Oh, My God, you cant imagine how awful it was. My body began to shake all over. There were movie stars discussing meditation and saying how it had improved their tennis games. Having movie stars discuss meditation is like inviting barbers to discuss brain surgery. But there they were on the television doing it, and I knew that millions of people were watching them and getting the wrong ideas about meditation. There was the Maharishi saying that he had copyrighted the mantras. Can you imagine copyrighting something that was discovered by the great sages thousands of years ago. Its like copyrighting the Ten Commandments. I knew I had to do something to inform the American people. Americans are very gullible when it comes to spiritual matters. In India, if you try to sell a mantra, people will laugh at you. If you tell them that you have a mantra, they will say, So what, everyone has a mantra. But here in America such concepts are new. People do not understand such things and are easily taken in. In September, 1975, Swamiji began his campaign to inform the public about TM. He did so by placing an ad in the Los Angeles Times entitled Mantras and Meditation, Fancy, Fiction and Fact. This also appeared in Newsweek on Jan. 19, 1976, as well as various newspapers in the U. S. and Canada. When Swamiji returned from his India tour in June, 1977, he was horrified to learn that TM had been advertising Levitation by Mere Intention through Transcendental Meditation. Again, he felt his body shake violently, but tried to put it out of his mind. However every time he sat down and tried to meditate, it would come into his mind. Swamiji often says, Whenever I feel compelled to do anything, I first stop and watch my mind just to make sure that I am not doing it for selfish reasons. I watch my mind constantly. In the case of TM, I had to make sure that jealously was not involved. Thats why I waited a few days before acting. But Master would not let me be. Swamiji felt that it was imperative that he inform the public about what he called the Greatest Himalayan Hoax ever perpetrated on the Human Mind, by TM. Swami Vishnudevanandaji visited Spain in November, 1976. The Sivananda Center in Madrid was one of the most active and energetic. Swamiji was there not only to give the usual lectures, but also to make the plans for the proposed Symposium Yoga: Man and his World to be held in Marbella in April. The director of the Madrid Center, Swami Sivajyotirmayanandaji drove Swamiji to the proposed site of the event. All was well. They decided to stay the night and ferry across to Gibraltar. It was early the next morning they were within a few miles of the ferry to Africa. The sun was shining and they were driving along chanting. Swamiji remembers that it reminded him of when he was at the Ashram in Rishikesh, they would often get up early to go through the streets of nearby villages to purify the streets with chanting. Suddenly the car went out of control. Swamiji was thrown under the car and technically dead. But his karma on earth was not finished. He awoke to find himself in the hospital. He heard the doctors deciding to give him shots of valium for the pain and decided to use this as an opportunity to experiment. He summoned up all his psychic energies and tried to meditate, but found that the drug had a scattering effect on his mind. It was very difficult for him to meditate, but finally he managed to get his mind to one point and hold it there. Swamiji said that he had always been against the use of drugs because of the way they treat the psychic system. After having first hand experience of what drugs do to the mind, Swamiji said that he understands why people take them and is more firmly against them than ever. Drugs are contrary to Yogic disciplines and he described the drug experience as follows: Drugs cause the mind to experience a drifting sensation which is pleasant, as it allows one to disassociate from the body. However, in this drifting state it is very difficult to center the mind. If I, as a practitioner of mind control, found it difficult to center my mind, then I dont think beginners will have much luck. Some people take valium pills every day to relax and let go. This drifting state is a very enticing sensual experience. If you allow the mind to do this too often, it gets into bad habits. It becomes more and more difficult to hold the mind onto a single point or thought. The mind starts experiencing things as though in a dream state. Swamiji experienced much pain after his accident. His knee cap was broken and even after healing he found it difficult to sit cross legged for long periods. The day after Christmas, 1976, Swamiji called the entire staff to his house in Val Morin and announced his intention of going into seclusion for a week. When he emerged, he said that the intense pain had proved to be a blessing. Through it he came to realize many things: My debts to the West are paid. But this does not mean that our relationship is over. It is time for each one of you to be a dynamo. No one is inferior or superior. I hope you will all work hard for the Organization and give me time to be with me. This is the first time in 20 years that you will be giving me a good rest. I am going to the Tirupathi Temple near Madras to be alone with the Lord. I am going to be a simple pilgrim, just one out of 600 million people. This will be the first time in many years that I will be able to go anyplace without a lot of fuss. Swamiji left for his pilgrimage on January 10th. Soon afterwards, he sent a telegram saying, Swamiji enjoying Bliss. Two of Swamijis students, Swami Gokulanandaji and Swami Sankaranandaji taught the Teachers Training Course in Nassau in February, 1977 while Swamiji was on vacation. He returned to Nassau in time for Sivaratri celebrations he was looking rested and wonderfully energetic. But his close students could see he was beginning to withdraw from the world, turning inward more and more rapidly. In May, 1976, Swamiji led a tour of approximately 60 people to Spain and India. It included the Symposiums on Yoga and Psychic Discoveries in Marbella, Spain and Bangalore, India. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was the key speaker at both conferences. He was enthusiastically received, as were speakers Marilyn and John Rossner. Swamiji announced his intention of bringing a revival of Yoga to India and carrying out Masters work there. He appointed a committee of dedicated workers and hopes to return to India for Sivaratri, 1978, to inaugurate a new center in the region of Coimbatore. After Swamijis return from India, a number of his students began to have intense psychic experiences. It seemed as though a new stage of Swamijis life was opening up. Messages from Master began coming through various people. All of the events cannot be related here and now. However, careful records have been kept and Swamiji hopes that it will be possible to make this information available at some time in the future. He has permitted the following messages to be published here. If I take up a work, I will not leave it till I am myself satisfied with its completion. Till then not even hunger of thirst can halt the progress. I have never felt tired in the midst of any work I undertake. I cannot pay attention to anything I do not wish to know or do and I can quickly grasp the idea to which I listen with attention. All things I am doing now, if I did not have great love and faith in my Master, I would not be able to do these things at all, not even the simple things. God gives me strength because of my devotion to my Master. Faith in God and in the Teacher is difficult. But it is the ancient Spiritual rule to choose one path and follow it. Stick to the five points Ive given you proper exercise, proper relaxation, proper breathing, proper diet, and positive thinking and meditation. If you see a human being, you get from him what a human being has to give. If you see a teacher, you get a teacher. If you see your Guru, you get a Guru. If you see in him God, you get God. Everyone who comes to me is karmically drawn for some purpose. I can see their talents and I know how to use them to help them work out their karma. Question: How is today different from yesterday Answer: One day closer to death. Yogis should be able to affect their physical circumstances their minds should be strong enough to make so called miracles happen. My energy is like that of a volcano - a spiritual volcano. A volcano is never extinct, though it may be temporarily inactive. Thats what the Lord said to me Hes not going to keep me as a recluse. My energy always bounces back. The mind can never be satisfied. It always wants more. Who am I I can change my name, change my nationality. I was born an Indian, now Im a Canadian. What if they give me Jewish blood, a pigs liver, and a baboon heart. Now, who am I I guarantee that as long as you are breathing, you are not dead. If anyone dies and continues breathing, please let me know and I will refund their money. What will happen if you all go into Samadhi Poor Swamiji will be left behind to do all the work. Whenever we visit, Swamiji asks, Mother is everything alright He makes sure the little me is comfortable. My soul feels comfort at Val Morin it is more than a home to me. - Anandi Narayani Gajjar Swami Vishnudevananda is a spiritual hurricane around the globe. He is the most dynamic of all the living Yogis. Now he is in Val Morin, next hour in Washington, D. C. and then suddenly in European countries. Like Lord Vishnu, he flies his own Garuda and he is everywhere. - a tribute by Sant Keshavadas on Swamijis 50th birthday Anna Charles recalls her first sight of Swamiji, He was a short, dark young man in a swimming suit. All my romantic ideas of a swami arrayed in flowing robes with long hair and beard sitting serenely and composed on a tiger skin ready to bless me were shattered. I had never felt the presence of a more domineering and confident man. She burst into tears but something made her stay at the Camp. She has been a frequent guest at the Ashram and has worked energetically to spread Swamijis teachings. Anna tells the story of a subsequent visit to Val Morin. Swamiji had decided to build a platform so that we would not have to do asanas on the ground. He had the plans drawn up, but everyone criticized the size he wanted to make it. Here we had 15-20 students in each class and he wanted to build a platform to accommodate over a hundred people. We all argued with Swamiji about this extravagance. But, he was adamant in saying that more people would come as the Camp grew. He was, of course, right in this. Max and Rose Rosenstone were among Swamijis first students in the West, and worked devotedly with him for many years. Mrs. Rosenstone says that of the many things Swamiji taught her, three made great impact on her life: The importance of integrating physical, mental, and spiritual faculties. Tis better to give, because only in giving do we receive. Most important: He led me to Master Sivananda. Swami Vishnudevananda when he joined Sivanandashram in 1947 was so simple, humble, loving, and jovial with all. Now he is an international figure, yet worldly Maya has not overpowered him. He is still very simple, loving, humble and child-like, in spite of all his worldly achievements. This is the characteristic of a true Yogi. I have great admiration, love and respect for Swami Vishnudevananda, I pray to Ganga Matha to Bless him with long life, good health so that he can help people to become True Yogis like himself. - Swami Sharadananda, Swami Vishnus Gurubhai Swamiji is very strict in teaching Yoga disciplines to his students. At the same time, he is very affectionate. He is like a child with all the little children. - Bharat Gajjar Having long known Swami Vishnu, I am well acquainted with his stunningly direct approach to. well, almost anything. But, I have also come to believe that his strategic skill rivals that of an army of generals. - Ashok Charles Recorded Lecture Series Ongoing project to convert Swami Vishnus tape-recorded lectures and talks into mp3 format for download on the web.

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